Attempt Murder Jury Trial – Day 3

Today the trial came to an abrupt halt. A mistrial was declared. A mistrial is when the case ends without a verdict for some reason. If for instance a jury is unable to reach a unanimous verdict (also known as a "hung jury") then a mistrial is declared.

In some cases, like this one, a mistrial is declared before the case gets to the jury for their consideration. There can be any number of reasons for a mistrial, from improper evidence being led unexpectedly to procedural problems that can't be cured in any other way.

So, after the mistrial was declared new dates were set for this trial to start back up. If you are still interested in following this case, check back regularly to find out when this trial will resume.


R. v. H.S. (Initials changed to protect the innocent)


Good Article About the Failure of the SIU to Hold the Police Accountable