Articling and Summer Student Placements at Derstine Bariteau

If you are interested in a law firm that features dedication to client service, a culture of teamwork and a strong commitment to criminal vigorous defence work, consider a career at Derstine Bariteau.

Derstine Bariteau currently has one additional articling position open for the 2023-2024 term.

Students at Derstine Bariteau should come with a demonstrated passion in criminal law, strong research and writing skills, and be critical thinkers who view the practice of law as a means of achieving systemic change while assisting our clients.

  • We aim to develop students into highly successful yet ethically conscientious trial lawyers. Students are given a wide range of responsibilities designed to develop advocacy skills and ensure familiarity with the intimate workings of the criminal justice system. By the end of the program, students will have a firm grasp of the black letter law, as well as extensive experience in the different phases of the criminal process.

    At Derstine Partners, we believe that students will most effectively learn the art of criminal defence through hands-on work. Our students are deeply involved with the firm’s Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, and Provincial Offences Act cases.

    Meet our current students

  • • conducting trials and pleas for summary and Provincial Offences Act matters

    • regularly attending court for administrative (“set”) dates

    • visiting clients at jails, detention centres, and courthouse cells across Ontario reviewing disclosure

    • organizing files for trial

    • interviewing sureties and witnesses

    • legal research

    • drafting factums, memorandums, defence motions, and applications

    • additional investigation (for example: attending crime scenes in search of evidence favourable to the defence)

    • handling intake calls from prospective clients

  • Students are given the opportunity to work with associates and partners on files involving large scale police “projects”, murders, robberies (including home invasions), firearms offences, cultivation, aggravated assault, and much more.

    By working closely with counsel, students will gain important insight into trial strategy, the practical realities of procedure, and how to effectively approach the Crown and the judiciary. Students are also invited to see the fruits of their labour by attending court with Counsel. Our students have attend bail hearings, preliminary inquiries, jury selection, trials, and sentencing hearings to see their work put to use.

  • Students are encouraged to ask questions and seek advice from our lawyers. The associates and partners always keep their doors and minds open to anything that our students have to say.

    “The worst question is the one that isn’t asked.” — Dirk Derstine, at one of our office meetings

  • If you would like to be a Derstine Bariteau student, please send your cover letter, resumé, transcripts, and reference letters addressed to the firm partners, Mrs. Bariteau and Mr. Derstine, by email to or in hardcopy form to 559 College Street, Suite 302, Toronto, ON, M6G 1A9. We also accept applications through the viLawPortal. Please only apply through one of these given avenues.

    Please refer to the Law Society of Ontario for all relevant deadlines.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

“Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me and I understand.”

— Chinese Proverb