Crown abandons $70,000 Estreatment Proceeding

Erec Rolfe recently successfully convinced the Crown to abandon its estreatment proceeding for $70,000 against our client and his sureties.

When a client makes bail, both he and his sureties are often required to promise a sum of money without deposit.  That means that if the client breaches his bail conditions, the Crown can bring a proceeding to take (or “estreat”) all or some of that money from the client and/or his sureties.

C.L. is a client who has numerous serious charges before the courts.  C.L. was granted bail in the amount of $70,000, given the seriousness of his charges.  The Crown alleged that while out on bail, C.L. breached his conditions.  The Crown then brought an estreatment hearing, seeking payment of the full $70,000.

In January 2012, Erec brought several procedural deficiencies in the Crown’s case to its attention.  After considering the issue, the Crown advised that it would abandon the estreatment hearing in light of those deficiencies.

As such, C.L. and his sureties saved a large sum of money.


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