Project Corral: Accused discharged on multiple counts of criminal organization, drug and weapons trafficking and conspiracy charges.

Magda Wyszomierska successfully defended a client charged with multiple criminal organization charges, drug and weapons trafficking and conspiracy to traffic cocaine offences as part of Project Corral. Project Corral was a major investigation by the Gun and Gang Task Force targeting alleged Toronto gang members with links to organized crime.

Hundreds of hours of wiretap evidence formed a major part of the Crown’s case. The Crown alleged that our client was one of the voices heard on hours of the recordings. After a lengthy preliminary hearing that ended last week, Magda successfully argued that the Crown failed to establish that the voice in question was in fact her client’s. The Court agreed. As a result, the client was discharged on all counts and walked out of court a free man.


Clarity (n. ˈklaritē): the quality of coherence and intelligibility


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