Zoom Links & Daily Dockets
By Ryan Conway, Summer Student
Zoom Links
Zoom court links for most courtrooms are available online at: https://www.ontariocourts.ca/ocj/covid-19/conducting-virtual-case-management/
You can attend Zoom court on a computer or smartphone using the Zoom webpage or application. You do not need a Zoom account to attend.
You can also attend Zoom court by phone by dialing/calling into 1-855-703-8985 and typing in the meeting ID and passcode.
In some jurisdictions, you can attend Case Management court in person, but courthouses generally prefer that you attend remotely/virtually when possible.
Daily Dockets
If you do not know when you are scheduled to appear in court or what room you are supposed to be in, you can call the courthouse for assistance.
On the day before or the day of your appearance, you can visit: https://www.ontariocourtdates.ca to search for your name and find the correct courtroom.
If you have any questions about attending court either by Zoom or in person, call our offices at 416-304-1414