DB’s Law Blog

Connaissez Vos Droits Linguistiques Dans les Cours de Justice
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Connaissez Vos Droits Linguistiques Dans les Cours de Justice

Texte par Tania Bariteau, Associée Le texte qui suit n’est pas un texte exhaustif sur les questions linguistiques dans le domaine du droit criminel. Au contraire, ce texte adresse seulement les questions posées le plus fréquemment sur les services juridiques offerts en français ainsi que sur les droits linguistiques d’une personne accusée d’avoir commis […]

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The Aftermath of R. v. Hart: The Consistent Admission of Statements Made During Mr. Big Sting Operations
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

The Aftermath of R. v. Hart: The Consistent Admission of Statements Made During Mr. Big Sting Operations

By Jordyn Cowley, Associate No new friends! Despite recent changes to the law surrounding confessions elicited through Mr. Big sting operations, accused and suspected individuals must remain vigilant and suspicious of those who befriend them in an effort to elicit incriminating information. What is a “Mr. Big Sting Operation”? The Mr. Big […]

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Do Police Need a Warrant to Access My Facebook Messages?
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Do Police Need a Warrant to Access My Facebook Messages?

By Keiisha Pillai, Articling Student Be careful what you write in your Facebook direct messages. Last month, Justice Bawden of the Ontario Superior Court released a decision, R. v. Patterson (2018 ONSC 4467), which suggests that when the direct messages sent on Facebook make up the action, or the “actus reus”of a crime, you do not […]

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Driving High in Ontario: Still Illegal
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Driving High in Ontario: Still Illegal

By: Geoff Haskell, Associate Chong asked Cheech more than 40 years ago, “Hey man – am I driving ok?” Back then it was illegal to smoke pot and drive. Today, it still is. In fact, impaired driving has been a crime since 1925. Although it was originally intended to deal with drunk driving, the crime of impaired driving […]

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We Need to do More to Support Our Colleagues
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

We Need to do More to Support Our Colleagues

By Articling Student I’m always asked why I decided to pursue a career in criminal law. “How can you defend those people?” or “How can you defend someone if you know they’re guilty?” are questions that I answer regularly. I welcome those questions. Why? Because it gives me an opportunity to talk about […]

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Back to the Future: Statutory Interpretation of Section 119 and The Youth Criminal Justice Act
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Back to the Future: Statutory Interpretation of Section 119 and The Youth Criminal Justice Act

By Adam Philip Newman, Associate The Youth Criminal Justice Act(“YCJA”) was meant to reflect the understanding of Canadians that young persons involved in the criminal justice system have diminished moral blameworthiness when compared to that of adults. As such, the sentence imposed on a young person should be dealt with in a manner that […]

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Dirk Derstine Recommends Increased Jury Duty Pay
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Dirk Derstine Recommends Increased Jury Duty Pay

While speaking with AdvocateDaily.com, Dirk Derstine, President of the Toronto Law Association, recommends increased jury duty pay as well as psychological help. According to the CBC, the current compensation for jurors in Ontario is just $40 per day starting only on the 11th day of a trial, which increases to $100 per day if the trial […]

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Hung Jury in Second Degree Murder Trial
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Hung Jury in Second Degree Murder Trial

The second degree murder trial of Jeremy Hall in Welland, Ontario ended in a hung jury mistrial on June 2, 2015 after the jury failed to reach a unanimous verdict following six days of deliberations. The Defense Argument Dirk Derstine and Stephanie DiGiuseppe, counsel for Jeremy Hall, argued that Mr. Hall was not responsible […]

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R. Vs. Nur – Dirk Derstine
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

R. Vs. Nur – Dirk Derstine

Possession of a Prohibited Firearm Use the link below to read Dirk Derstine’s comments in The Lawyer’s Weekly on the government’s legislative response to the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in R. vs. Nur. R. v. Nur is a decision of the Supreme Court of Canada which struck down the mandatory minimum sentence of three […]

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Harper’s Justice System
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Harper’s Justice System

Use the link below to read Sean Fine’s excellent article “Steven Harper’s Courts: How the Judiciary has been Remade” (Globe and Mail). PUBLISHED JULY 24, 2015 UPDATED JUNE 5, 2017 Justice System Stacked? The article focuses on Stephen Harper’s misuse of the judicial appointment process to “stack the court” with Judges who are aligned with […]

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Client Discharged of Aggravated Assault and Robbery
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Client Discharged of Aggravated Assault and Robbery

Charges: Robbery, Aggravated Assault Magda’s client was discharged of aggravated assault and robbery charges after a multi-day preliminary hearing, under cross-examination various witnesses gave conflicting descriptions of the alleged assailant that did not match Magda’s client. Magda argued that although some witnesses were able to identify her client in the courtroom and in a line-up, […]

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Wiretap Evidence Excluded at Homicide Trial
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Wiretap Evidence Excluded at Homicide Trial

Counsel Dirk Derstine and Stephanie DiGiuseppe were recently successful in establishing that extensive wiretaps and room probes obtained as a result of a Part VI Authorization were unconstitutionally obtained, and therefore any wiretap evidence should be excluded from the trial. Justice Gerald Thomas Taylor made findings that the behaviour of the affiant was either in […]

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Charges Stayed in Drug Trafficking Case
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Charges Stayed in Drug Trafficking Case

The Crown stayed drug trafficking charges against Magda’s client on the first day of trial. This case dealt with a drug warrant executed by TPS officers from 51 Division. The defence was going to ask the Court to stay the charges due to excessive force used by members of the search team and the unreasonable […]

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Acquittal in Cab Driver Stabbing
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Acquittal in Cab Driver Stabbing

Judgement of Acquittal Ariel’s client received an acquittal on the charges of of Attempted Murder, Aggravated Assault and Robbery stemming from a brutal attack on a Peterborough taxi driver on Halloween night 2011. The jury found the main Crown witnesses to be not credible and the evidence of identity lacking. http://www.thepeterboroughexaminer.com/2013/04/23/jury-finds-accused-cabbie-stabber-not-guilty You may also […]

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Bank Robbery Charges Stayed At Preliminary Hearing
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Bank Robbery Charges Stayed At Preliminary Hearing

The Crown this week stayed all bank robbery charges against Magda’s client after her cross-examination of two key police witnesses. Large gaps were uncovered in the police surveillance. A stay is a direction of the court that the charges not be acted on at least until some other step is taken. Magda has secured multiple acquittals in jury and […]

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Client Charged with First Degree Murder Freed After Preliminary Hearing
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Client Charged with First Degree Murder Freed After Preliminary Hearing

Magda secured a discharge for her client charged with first degree murder after a lengthy preliminary hearing. In this identification case, the Court agreed that there was insufficient evidence for the matter to proceed to trial. The client was reunited with his family. Magda Wyszomierska has successfully represented individuals facing a wide variety of criminal […]

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Judge Makes Excessive Force Finding Against the Toronto Police Service
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Judge Makes Excessive Force Finding Against the Toronto Police Service

Magda argued that two officers form the Toronto Police Service used excessive force in executing an arrest warrant for Attempt Murder on her client. The Court agreed, finding that the actions of the officers were not motivated by fear and that they treated her client like an animal and exhibited poor judgement. Magda Wyszomierska has […]

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Star Gets Action: Crown Must Now Report Police Who Lie
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Star Gets Action: Crown Must Now Report Police Who Lie

Ontario’s Crown attorneys will soon be required to report cases where they believe police officers have lied under oath. The new policy comes after a Star investigation earlier this year that found more than 100 cases of police deception in Ontario and across the country.

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