DB’s Law Blog

Derstine Penman in the News
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Derstine Penman in the News

Another example of how sensationalist journalism can get in the way of of an individual’s right to a fair trial with an impartial jury: http://www.thespec.com/news/local/article/619426–accused-killer-faces-new-murder-charge

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Protest Has Become a Dirty Word
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Protest Has Become a Dirty Word

At a time when Western governments fund wars of liberation, and Western media tout sometimes violent protests in the Middle East as hopeful steps towards a better future, those same institutions cannot countenance those among us who, finding themselves oppressed, and voiceless, resort to lamentably disruptive measures in the hope of spurring change.

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Project Corral: Accused discharged on multiple counts of criminal organization, drug and weapons trafficking and conspiracy charges.
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Project Corral: Accused discharged on multiple counts of criminal organization, drug and weapons trafficking and conspiracy charges.

Magda Wyszomierska successfully defended a client charged with multiple criminal organization charges, drug and weapons trafficking and conspiracy to traffic cocaine offences as part of Project Corral. Project Corral was a major investigation by the Gun and Gang Task Force targeting alleged Toronto gang members with links to organized crime. Hundreds of hours of wiretap […]

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History is Written by the Victors
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

History is Written by the Victors

But that doesn’t make it true. Orwell was pretty clear on that. And many a victor has gone on to lose, and wind up with a less favourable legacy… it seems Harper has yet to get the memo. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/harpers-arrogance-will-come-back-to-haunt-him-opposition-says/article2092763/

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Slain Man Acquitted in 2003 Murder
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Slain Man Acquitted in 2003 Murder

This is a murder case I did in 2005. The evidence looked strong against Keith but he insisted he was not guilty. He testified to that effect and his accusers we much discredited. He walked out of the box and into the arms of his family. Who as to know that a few short years […]

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Judicial Stay for Evidence Planting and Perjury by Police
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Judicial Stay for Evidence Planting and Perjury by Police

Jennifer Penman obtained a very rare judicial stay of proceedings in a case where the application focused on police planting of evidence and perjury in relation to the above. No reasons have been released yet but the charges were just stayed with reasons to follow.

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Innocence And Injustice In ‘Central Park Five’ : NPR
Katie Dolan Katie Dolan

Innocence And Injustice In ‘Central Park Five’ : NPR

This is a remarkable story. Not remarkable because it is unique, but rather because it is so clearly documented. It is all to easy to feel comfortable by demonzing others and the rhetoric used with such impunity by the press is as dangerous as it is frequent.

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